About Hedge House

Often upon completion of a detox or rehabilitation program, those in recovery are not ready or able to return to their previous home. Women in recovery often find themselves back returning to a familiar network of friends or family members who contributed to the cycle of abuse that led to or contributed to their addiction or trauma. It is easy to fall back into the old patterns that led to their abuse—whether alcohol, substances, or domestic violence.

Hedge House is dedicated to providing a new network of support that includes friends, mentors, and fellow Christians to help those in recovery become rooted and succeed in growth. Our aim is to provide a hedge around those in recovery to become connected to in order to withstand the struggles that accompany a new lifestyle, one that includes growth opportunities to enable women to find their identity in Christ, gain empowerment, acquire leadership skills, become better parents, and learn to build healthier relationships.

Hedge House provides a safe and sober Christ-centered home to live in, help with job search and transportation, training and counseling, recovery meetings, and a local Christian assembly to find connection with.

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